Gophering* through my local library catalog I found what I call a pearl:
"Characters with character. Using children's literature in character education"
by Diane Findlay.
Findlay explores in this book ten ethic values: responsibility, perseverance, caring, courage, honesty, self-discipline, respect, friendship, fairness and citizenship. Although the book's content are mainly reading activities, it has a list of children's books for each value, where a main character displays that value in his/her conduct. And that's what I found specially interesting.
I committed myself, as a personal project, to read at least one book of each list/value for reviewing here.
Harriet, you'll drive me wild! by Mem Fox, Illustrated by Marla Frazee.
Charlott'es Web by E.B. White
Summer Wheels by Eve Bunting, Illustrated by Thomas B. Allen
Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen by DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan
The Glorious Flight by Alice and Martin Provensen
Seven Brave Women by Betsy Hearne, Illustrated by Bethanne Andersen
Stay away from Simon! by Carol Carrick, Ilustrated by Donald Carrick
*Gophering is a term nursed in the Goodreads group You'll love this one, and it means to search thoroughly specially (but not exclusively) in your "to be read" shelf for a book that meets the criteria of the next reading challenge your are embarking yourself in.